Dr. Patrick Trevidic
Dr. Patrick Trevidic
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Chin aesthetics

Frequently forgotten, the chin represents a leading element in the balance of a face. This protruding part of the face, located under the lips can be corrected to harmonise a person’s profile. It should be noted, however, that the chin is different depending on the patient’s biological sex. It will look more square in men, and finer and more forward in women.
In addition, whilst the lower face ages quickly after 45 years, the chin ages little.
A profile study of the chin makes it possible to distinguish mainly two main treatable areas, defined as ‘retrogenia’ and ‘prognathia’.

Retrogenia and prognathia
A receding chin is known as retrogenia, and a protruding chin is defined as prognathia. A receding chin is aligned significantly inwards to the jaw, and very often will result in a poorly defined and impaired neck, even a double chin. Conversely, a protruding chin juts out and will harden the facial profile. But these two anomalies can be corrected thanks to multiple techniques.
For the receding chin, Doctor Trévidic will initially make an injection of Botox©, into the muscle of the chin. The muscle will immediately relax, and the chin will be able to be propelled forward. If this procedure is insufficient to restore volume to the chin, Doctor Trévidic may include a second step which involves an injection of hyaluronic acid, a multilayering technique that he has published. This process will vary according to the patient’s profile and gender and Doctor Trévidic will adapt it accordingly.
Another modification can also be recommended: a chin prosthesis. This is an outpatient procedure, painless, with a resulting scar inside the mouth.
However, more complex surgery is required to reduce a protruding chin.
The position and shape of the chin considerably affects the aesthetics of the lower face and Dr Trevidic will know how to take this into account when treating the chin.